LEITNER DirectDrive

Innovative drive solutions

Unrivaled & unique

Every safe journey on a ropeway is based on a reliable and powerful drive concept. The LEITNER DirectDrive is unrivaled and unique in the world. This drive system operates without any gears and due to its almost soundless operation and incomparably low maintenance requirement it is thoroughly convincing. More than 200 ropeways in over 25 countries are already equipped with this technology.

DirectDrive motor

Gearless permanent magnet motor

The DirectDrive consists of a low-speed synchronous motor. Its output shaft is directly connected to the sheave and therefore a gearbox is not required.

Redundant cooling concept
Redundant cooling concept

The motor is kept at optimum operating temperature by two axially-mounted sound-damped fan coolers. If one cooler should malfunction, the motor can still guarantee continued operation with only one cooler.

Optimum availability thanks segment design
Optimum availability thanks segment design

The motor is designed with up to eight segments. Should one segment malfunction, the motor is still able to continue operating and carrying passengers safely, even at reduced power. Windings, magnets and bearings can all be replaced very quickly without the roof of the station having to be opened. This all results in optimum availability of the installation.

Replacement of a single winding
Replacement of a single winding

When the appropriate device is bolted onto the motor housing, the defective winding can be lifted out very quickly. In the next step, the new winding is lifted into place and the motor can already be used at full power the next day to take up operation. It is possible to complete the entire replacement procedure within two hours.

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